Entry level position in Ocean Engineering.
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
B.S. in Ocean Engineering. May 2010.
Community College of Rhode Island, Warwick, RI.
A.S. in Science in Engineering. May 2007.
University of Rhode Island January 2010 – November 2010
Upgrade circuit boards, test and assemble Inverted Echo Sounders, test and assemble test equipment, and keep accurate records of data. Launch, recovery, and refurbish instruments at sea.
University of Rhode Island, Internship Summer 2009
Design and construction of oceanographic instrumentation. Experience with printed circuit board (PCB) design and assembly.
University of Rhode Island, AUV/ASV team Summer 2009
Design and assembly of a power management printed circuit board. Work in a team environment.
Senior Design Project Fall 2009-Spring 2010 Develop a hybrid power system for the propulsion system of an autonomous surface vehicle. Provide electric...
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