He brings 28 years of civil engineering design and construction administration experience to his responsibilities including design and construction of new facilities, as well as capital improvements and expansion of projects.
His past project expertise is in site preparation work, wastewater treatment facilities, ultraviolet disinfection design, water storage, pumping and distribution systems and other related infrastructure design, including transportation. He has worked with municipal agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area, other parts of the Western United States, Canada and overseas. He is proficient in developing detailed plans, construction specifications, cost estimates, processing plans for approval, utility coordination and construction bid and construction administration services.
As the interim plant manager at the Richmond Water Polution Control Facility (Wastewater Treatment Plant) from November 2010 till June 2011 he was responsible for coordinating ongoing construction and plant operations, including community outreach and maintaining regulatory compliance.
Currently, he manages construction, operation and maintenance of wastewater and water facilities for municipal clients. On facility operation
and maintenance projects he is responsible for coordinating the activities
of consultants and contractors to ensure that the plant continues to operate without interruption during routine maintenance and scheduled facility upgrades.
During construction, his responsibility is to plan and schedule activities to maintain plant operations with a minimum of disruption. He coordinates and facilitates meetings with plant staff and contractors to monitor both the construction schedule and the continued plant operations schedule; and reviews the plant maintenance schedule for potential conflicts with the contractor’s work.
On construction management projects he manages the project and the construction management team. The key project management responsibilities are preparation of the construction management plan and procedures; preparation of the QA/QC plan for budget, schedule and cost control; oversight review of contract documents and specifications; presentation of regular project progress reports to the client; management
of change order requests; and the liaison between the client and the onsite construction team of inspectors and contractors.
Digester Control Building No. 2, Water Pollution Control Plant, City of Richmond, California, Senior Project Manager. Managing the $5.6 million facility upgrade consists of construction of a new control building, process equipment installation (gas conditioning), site electrical with PLC integration and instrumentation with mechanical and electrical connects for future co-generation facilities.
Facilitated the bidding of the construction project and is managing the Contractor for the City, reviewed change order requests, recommended change order approvals and coordinated start-up and project close-out activities.
Ancillary Equipment, Water Pollution Control Plant, City of Richmond, California, Senior Project Manager. Managing the $3.3 million replacement of 40-year old, worn out influent pumps (40 mgd cumulative pumping capacity), using high efficiency motors and variable speed control devices (VFDs). Pump upgrades will ensure adequate pumping capability to eliminate SSOs; utilizing VFD drives will allow for greater flexibility and energy efficiency. New motor control centers (MCC) with SCADA interface will be installed to control the VFDs and other electrical equipment associated with the project.
Sanitary Sewer Collection System, City of Richmond, California, Senior Project Manager. Managing the $1.7 million San Pablo Avenue construction project designed to correct inadequate capacity in a critical line of the sanitary sewer collection system. Construction will be via pipe bursting and open trench cut, which will replace approximately 2,735 feet of existing
10-inch to 12-inch vitrified clay pipe with 16-inch to 20-inch (outside diameter) plastic pipe. Project also includes potholing of existing utilities, insertion/receiving pit excavation and backfilling, sheeting and shoring, bypass pumping and traffic control.
Pipeline Repair Project, FY2009, City of Richmond, California, Senior Project Manager. Managed the $3.5 million accumulated emergency repair work to approximately 10,000 feet of failed pipeline in a city neighborhood. Repairs included pipeline removal and replacement, slip lining, new manhole construction and lateral reconnection. Project was complicated by traffic control, bypass requirements and access to UPRR and BART.
Relief Sewer Project, Loma Vista Education Center, Concord, California, Senior Project Manager. Managed the fast-track redesign of 1,300 linear feet of relief sewer to correct overflow into the street and parking area. Designed the system to redirect flow to an underutilized net. Coordinated construction activity, while school was in session.
Sanitary Sewer and Water Systems EIR Analysis, Sunnyvale, California. Senior Project Manager. Analyzed the sewer and water needs for East Sunnyvale proposed build-out of a 1,638 to 2,787 single family and multifamily residential redevelopment.
Water Main Design, Crossroads Technology Park, Union City, California, Senior Project Manger. Managed the design of 3,000 linear feet of a 12-inch looped water pipeline, with a full complement of blow-offs, air relief valves and thrust blocks. The project included infrastructure design for both Whipple Avenue and Union City Boulevard.
Interceptor Relocation Project, EBMUD, Oakland, California, Project Manager. Managed the design of the new 108-inch interceptor sewer, which replaced the 105-inch horseshoe-shaped interceptor that needed to be relocated to accommodate the new alignment of Freeway 980 that collapsed during the Loma Prieta Earthquake. The project required coordination with Caltrans, City of Oakland, Port of Oakland, US Postal Service, Sprint, SPRR and private land owners. Two structures were designed to bridge the existing 105-inch horseshoe-shaped interceptor and replace it with 108-inch precast (T- lock lined) RCP. These structures were designed to accommodate Cooper E80 (railroad) and HS20 (truck) loading.
Sewer Trunk Line Project, City of Oakland, California, Project Manager.
Managed the design of 2,000 linear feet of 30-inch sewer trunk main for the City of Oakland.
Sewer Rehabilitation Project, City of Burlingame, California, Project Manager. Managed the redesign of 5,300 linear feet of sanitary sewer, extending from El Camino Real to the City’s pump station on Rollins Boulevard. Corrected manhole flows by running parallel lines, redirecting flows to other underutilized sections and lowering some manholes. Project required bore and jack construction under California Boulevard in the middle of the retail district and under CAL train tracks.
Lake Merrit Relief Sewer Project, City of Oakland, California, Project Manager. Managed the final stage of a 66-inch relief sewer project, which was situated near the Lake Merit channel and new construct...
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