
Georgetown, MA

Position Desired

Geotechnical Engineering
Anywhere in MA; Anywhere in NH



University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA; Expected Spring 2013 (GPA: 3.96)
Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Geotechnical Option

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA; December 2010 (GPA: 3.2)
Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research and Teaching Assistant – University of Massachusetts Lowell
(Lowell, MA January 2011 – present)
 Worked within a multi-disciplinary research group toward the development of an Electronic Tongue designed for in situ detection of toxic heavy metals.
 Trained and mentored four undergraduate students for performing complex laboratory analysis using voltammetric techniques and for developing their presentation/writing skills.
 Aided faculty in the Geotechnical Engineering program with assignment grading
(Soil Mechanics, Foundation & Soil Engineering, and Engineering Materials).

Cook and shift supervisor - Baldpate Hospital
(Georgetown, MA September 2008 – January 2011)
 Assisted with food preparation, cooking, serving, and janitorial tasks.

Tow truck driver and shift supervisor - Scotty’s Towing
(Georgetown, MA June 2004 – January 2008)
 Responded to AAA roadside assistance and local/state police emergency assistance.
 Trained inexperienced drivers.


Technical Skills
 Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio.
 Coursework with AutoCAD 2009, GRLWEAP, GeoStudio (SEEP/W and SLOPE/W), Driven, and SNAILZ.


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