
Frederick, MD

Position Desired

Materials Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


University of Maryland, College Park, MD 8/2011 - 5/2013
Master of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, GPA: 3.65/4.0
 Focus on Nanoscale Electronic Devices, Solar Cells, Electrochromic Devices and Batteries

National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 9/2006 - 6/2010
Bachelor of Science, Materials Science and Engineering
 Focus on Semiconductor Processing and Electronic Materials

University of Maryland, Advisor: Prof. Liangbing Hu
Color Change Energy Storage Window 2/2013 - 5/2013
 Designed and built a battery with electrochromic function by using ALD technique to deposit anode and cathode materials.
 Investigated thickness of electrodes and temperature of ALD process to improve battery performance.
Electrodeposited Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Films with Advanced Light Trapping 5/2012 - 2/2013
 Created an electroplating approach to deposit copper, zinc and tin thin films on a Mo-sputtering glass substrate for fabrication of absorber layers.
 Established an experimental system for sulfurization of deposited layer and optimize the annealing parameter to increase the purity of CZTS.
 Designed and optimized the diameter of a periodic nanostructure for the deposited CZTS films to enhance light trapping ability.

National Taiwan University, Advisor: Prof. Hsuen-Li Chen
Antireflective Nanoparticles Arrays Enhance the Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cell 9/2008 - 9/2009
National Taiwan University, Advisor: Prof. Hsuen-Li Chen
 Used 3D finite-difference time domain (FDTD) to systematically investigate the phenomena of light trapping in Si solar cell coated with metal (Au) and dielectric (TiO2, SiO2) nanoparticles.
 Designed and analyzed the surface coverage and diameter of nanoparticles size to optimize antireflection ability.

Sol-gel Silica Coatings on Magnesium Alloy for Corrosion Protection 2/2012 - 5/2012
 Used sol-gel silica coating to improve corrosion protection of magnesium alloy and i...

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