
Seattle, WA

Position Desired

Biomedical Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


Objective: To acquire advanced engineering skills for developing new and improved medical device designs and functions.

Professional Experience:
Research Assistant, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering-collaboration with Department of Ophthalmology, Seattle, Washington 11/2013-Present
• Co-developing Optical Microangiography imaging system and associated computations
• Current responsibilities involve image and data processing of retinal scans of patients
Internship (Research Lab Assistant), University of Kentucky, Department of Ophthalmology, Lexington, Kentucky 7/2013-9/2013 (PI: Mark Kleinman)
• Conducted experiments to show effectiveness of using siRNA as a knockdown method
- Ex/Knockdown histone deacetylase
• Conducted Valproic Acid (VPA) time course experiment in order to suggest low concentration VPA exposure to retina can lead to increase in eotaxin concentration and ultimately Age-Related Macular Degeneration Disease-like symptoms
• Performed C-C Chemokine Receptor type 3 (CCR3)-targeted immunofluorescence using anti-CCR3 Fab antibody fragments conjugated to quantum dots (QDot-CCR3 Fab) for laser injury induced retinal pigment epithelial cells in mouse eyes

Office/Professor Assistant and Book Retailer, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering, Seattle, Washington 6/2012-4/2013 (Supervisor: Gerald Pollack)
• Duties involved handling emails and phone calls, managing book and financial inventory, and providing student/customer services
Undergraduate Researcher, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering, Seattle, Washington 11/2011-6/2013 (PI: Gerald Pollack)
• Investigated the physiological consequence and pre-cursors of injured muscle tissues from
• Conducted stress and absorbance tests 10% ballistic gelatin (for muscle representation)

Web Designer, River Plains Computer Services, Lexington,...

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