An accomplished nuclear engineer specializing in probabilistic and deterministic nuclear transport theory methods, development and applications of Monte Carlo and lattice physics burnup codes, thermal-hydraulics, nuclear data processing, fuel management and decay heat analysis, development of coupled nuclear-thermal-hydraulic applications for nuclear reactor analysis, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), turbulence models, high performance computing, development and administration of massively parallel clusters and a wide variety of computer programming languages.
A full time position requiring similar knowledge to previous educational and work experience with extensive responsibilities.
- Excellent knowledge, understanding and expertise in Monte Carlo code development and applications. Experience with the industry standard radiation transport codes such as MCNP5, KENO VI and three dimensional fuel performance code AMP.
- Teaching experience in heat transfer and fluid dynamics for nuclear systems.
- Solid background and experience in nuclear fuel management. Performed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology research reactor fuel management studies with MCODEFM for low enriched uranium conversion.
- Demonstrated implementation skills in deterministic nuclear transport theory methods. Experience with advanced lattice physics burnup code CPM3 and three-dimensional discrete ordinates (SN) transport code DENOVO.
- Solid background and expertise in nuclear data processing code NJOY and development of practical methods, including on-the-fly Doppler broadening during the random walk of the neutrons for the Monte Carlo codes.
- Experience in development of coupled nuclear-thermal-hydraulic applications, utilizing MCNP5, RELAP-3D/ATHENA and ORIGEN2 for the analysis of VHTRs.
- Experience with commercial CFD codes CFX and FLUENT.
- Excellent knowledge and expertise in computer programming, Unix/Linux administration and clustering technologies to increase the scalability of mission-critical applications. Demonstrated implementation skills and proficiency in computer programming languages C&C++, F77, F90, MPI, Socket Programming, Perl, Awk, Bash, Php, Mysql, Multi-threading, Networking and industry standard programs such as Matlab, Oracle, Sybase, and other similar programs.
Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont IL January 2011 – August 2015
R&D Staff
- Employed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) as an R&D staff to perform nuclear code and method development as well as fuel management calculations.
- Experience with widely used fast nuclear reactor tools such as DIF3D, REBUS, VARI3D, MCODE, and MCODEFM.
- Currently, working for the Reduced Enrichment Research Test Reactor (RERTR) section to perform conversion of the highly enriched Uranium fuel to low enriched Uranium fuel for the research test reactors.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN July 2009 – January 2011
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
- Employed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to perform nuclear code development in reactor physics group.
- A standalone library version of the isotopic depletion, decay, and transmutation code ORIGEN-S was developed to run independently of SCALE code system. Three demonstration drivers were implemented in Fortran90/C/C++ to couple ADVENTURE (thermo-mechanics), Denovo (3D transport), and NESTLE (reactor core physics) codes.
- Other activities involved the development and benchmarking of the 3D discrete ordinates (SN) transport code DENOVO on the world’s leading supercomputer, a Cray XT5 (Jaguar). Also involved in the C++ development team of the new 3D nuclear fuel performance code (AMP). The standalone version of ORIGEN-S was integrated in AMP to allow depletion calculations.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI January 2004 – June 2009
Research Assistant, Ph.D.
- Employed by Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) department to develop simplified methodologies to allow accurate and efficient simulation of VHTR configurations accounting for temperature feedback and depletion.
- Development of a cross platform Application Program Interface (API) to couple Monte Carlo code MCNP5 with multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic code RELAP5-3D/ATHENA code and ORIGEN2 to account for temperature feedback for the VHTR full core heterogeneous and homogeneous configurations.
- Method development to introduce double heterogeneity posed by the VHTR fuel into LWR lattice physics codes by utilizing Monte Carlo codes. Successfully achieved by transferring the assembly level double heterogeneous MCNP5 model resonance cross sections over the fuel kernels into lattice physics codes CPM3 and HELIOS.
- Efficient methods to Doppler broaden the cross sections on-the-fly during the random walk of the neutrons for the Monte Carlo (MC) applications to avoid nuclear data processing codes and externally generated temperature dependent nuclear data files at desired material temperatures.
- Development and administration of a parallel computer environment at NERS for Monte Carlo applications. Also employed by the Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) at the University of Michigan as a system administrator. As one of the biggest computational grids in United States, our responsibility was to create a high performance parallel computing environment with thousands of computational servers. Also hired by Medical School at the University of Michigan as a system administrator for their Linux cluster.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Summer 2007
- Employed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to develop an exploratory tool for chemical kinetics analysis of reaction mechanisms (XChemKin) in parallel computer architectures to compute and investigate the evolution of complex chemical species and to develop a comprehensive understanding of a particular process.
- By virtue of parallel computing, a mesh of phase space points was created for a given reaction mechanism and distributed across a pool of processes via the master-slave scheme. By looping over the mesh points the reaction mechanism phase space was traversed with the aid of parallel computers. This scalable master-slave scheme was implemented successfully in C++ for parallel computer architectures providing the opportunity to generate unprecedented information on a given reaction mechanism as the computer power of parallel machines grow.
- In addition, an attempt at reducing the reaction mechanism automatically by systematically eliminating minor species and its corresponding reactions was demonstrated as another practical use of XChemKin.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA ...
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