NPC International: Pizza Hut / Delivery Driver
May 2020-August 2021, 3636 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA
During my time at Pizza Hut, Driving was not my only occupation. I was tasked with prepping side dishes, sauces, operating a fryer, washing dishes, cutting pizzas and finishing them with special sides, boxing order straight from the oven and into customers hands, or in my own car. I often worked closing shifts on my own as a driver.
Macy's and Bloomingdale's / Sales Associate
November 2018 - January 2019, Lynnhaven Mall, Virginia Beach, VA
As sales associate, I worked to encourage a social, positive, and enjoyable environment for shoppers. I also kept my department organized and worked well with my, usually older, coworkers. I learned to solve problems independently but always ask for help when needed.
Memory Lane Old Tyme Photos / Sales Associate,Costumer
July 2018 - October 2018, Virginia Beach Oceanfront
While at OTP, I learned very important technology operation skills such as operating darkroom editing software and more advanced digital cash registers. I also gained above profici...
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